Monday 4 May 2020

Schwinn A10 versus Schwinn 130 Upright Exercise Bike, Comparison Review

The Schwinn A10 and Schwinn 130 Upright Exercise Bikes are ideal for keeping fit in the comfort of your own home in a low-impact way, i.e without the jarring impact on your joints that accompany many traditional types of exercise!

With their high-quality build construction, ergonomic design and great range of user-friendly features, the entry-level Schwinn A10 and mid-range Schwinn 130 Exercise Bikes stand out from the crowd in their respective price categories and offer great value for money.

Schwiinn A10 Upright Exercise Bike, features reviewed & compared with Schwinn 130
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Schwinn A10 Exercise Bike
at a LOW PRICE online
Schwiinn 130 Upright Exercise Bike. features reviewed & compared with Schwinn A10
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Schwinn 130 Exercise Bike
at a LOW PRICE online

Both the Schwinn A10 and Schwinn 130 Upright Exercise Bikes’ drive-train utilizes a perimeter-weighted flywheel with Eddy Current magnetic resistance which combine to provide super smooth and quiet operation throughout each bike’s individual range of programs and resistance levels.

The Schwinn 130 is the higher-end exercise bike over the Schwinn A10 and as such has a slightly better build construction with a higher user weight capacity (300 lbs compared to 275 lbs on the A10), a better console with a dual-track screen instead of single screen on the A10, and a much wider range of programs and resistance levels – 22 programs and 20 resistance levels on the Schwinn 130 compared to just 7 programs and 8 resistance levels on the A10.

Being the entry-level machine, the Schwinn A10 has a more streamlined console for ease of use – there are enough programs and resistance levels to keep beginners and people looking for moderate workouts happy without the hassle of complicated menus to figure out!  Indeed, you could just use the Quick Start option on either of these exercise bikes to just get on and go at your own pace without any complications at all!

Schwinn A10 console with single screen, image
Schwinn A10 console
with single screen
Schwinn console with dual-track screens, image
Schwinn 130 console
with dual-track screens

As previously mentioned, the Schwinn 130’s console has a dual-track screen (2 displays) compared to the A10’s single screen, and incorporates a few extra features that the A10 does not have, including a 3-speed cooling fan, 2 user profiles, and a USB port to charge your own mobile device or to transfer data to online fitness tracking apps.

Both the Schwinn A10 and Schwinn 130’s consoles track and display all the key workout data you need to keep you motivated including: time, speed, distance, RPM, calories burned and pulse heart-rate.  Both exercise bikes feature contact pulse-grip sensors in their handlebars for heart-rate monitoring.

The Schwinn A10 and Schwinn 130’s consoles both feature an integrated sound system with audio speakers and MP3 input so you can listen to your favorite music as you exercise.  Both consoles also feature an integrated media shelf to place your mobile phone/tablet for entertainment as you workout.  A water bottle holder is also included with both bikes so you can keep hydrated as you cycle.

Schwinn A10 height adjustable saddle, image
Schwinn A10
height adjustable saddle
Ergonomically designed, both the Schwinn A10 and Schwinn 130 Upright Exercise Bikes feature angle-adjustable handlebars and a padded saddle that’s height adjustable for different users.  Both bikes feature a 1-piece crank system and standard-sized pedals with safety straps.

Sturdily constructed, both the Schwinn A10 and 130 feature 2 integrated levelers for added stability on uneven floors and both bikes also feature integrated transport wheels for easy relocation.

The Schwinn A10 has a more compact footprint than the Schwinn 130 (see full specifications listed in the comparison table below) so will take up less space and can be placed anywhere in your home as its console is battery operated (alternatively you can buy an AC adaptor separately).  The Schwinn 130 has a larger footprint and does need to be plugged into a standard power socket (AC adaptor included).

As you would expect, the higher-end Schwinn 130 Exercise Bike comes with a better manufacturer’s warranty over the Schwinn A10 – see full details listed in the comparison table below.

Motivational tip:  Cycling for just 30 minutes could burn between 207-345 calories for women, or 252-420 calories for men, depending on the intensity of the cycling

Let’s take a glance at the main differences and similarities in features and specifications between the Schwinn A10 versus Schwinn 130 to help you decide on which is the best upright exercise bike for you:

Main DIFFERENCES in Features between the Schwinn A10 versus Schwinn 130 Upright Exercise Bike:

8 levels
20 levels
7 programs including:
·         6 standard
·         1 quick start
22 programs including:
·         9 profile
·         8 heart rate
·         2 custom
·         2 fitness tests
·         1 quick start
Single LCD screen:
·         5” x 3”
Dual Track (2) LCD screens:
·         5” x 3” main
·         5” x 1” secondary
Data export via USB port to Schwinn Connect, My Fitness Pal, Google Fit, Apple Health, Map My Run/Ride
USB port for data export & charging of mobile devices
3-speed fan
275 lbs
300 lbs
Battery for console or
AC adaptor (not included)
Electric plug-in, standard 110v-120v
AC adaptor included
Approx.  27.5” long x
19” wide x 50” high
Approx.  41.3” long x
21.4” wide x 55.6” high
Manufacturer’s warranty:
Frame – 2 years
Parts – 6 months
Wear parts – 30 days
Electricals – 6 months
Manufacturer’s warranty:
Frame – 10 years
Mechanical – 2 years
Electrical – 1 year
Labor – 90 days

SIMILARITIES in Features between the Schwinn A10 and Schwinn 130 Upright Exercise Bikes:

Perimeter weighted flywheel
Eddy Current magnetic resistance
Stats displayed include:
·         Time
·         Distance
·         Speed
·         RPM
·         Calories
·         Heart rate
Contact pulse-grip sensors built into the handlebars
Angle adjustable handlebars
·         Padded seat
·         Height adjustable
·         1-piece crank
·         Standard-size pedals with safety straps
Water bottle holder included
Media tray integrated on console
Sound speakers with MP3 input
2 integrated levelers for added stability on uneven floors
Transport wheels included


The Schwinn A10 and Schwinn 130 are very well built exercise bikes.  With their sturdy construction, smooth quiet drivetrain and great range of features, the Schwinn exercise bikes rival those typically found in the higher-priced categories, making these great value for money!

The high build quality and range of features listed above speak for themselves.  If you’re new to exercise or looking for a light to moderate workout, then the Schwinn A10 would be ideal for you.  It has a nice range of programs and resistance levels without being overwhelming and its smaller footprint makes it perfect for homes where space is limited.  Although considered an entry-level exercise bike, the Schwinn A10 punches well above its weight compared to many other exercise bikes in its price category and is a real steal for the money!

However, if you’re looking for a bit more of a workout, then the Schwinn 130 exercise bike would be the better choice for you as it has a much wider range of programs and resistance levels to keep you motivated and challenged.  It also has a better console with a few extra features (as listed above) and allows for 2 user profiles, so if there’s more than 1 of you in your household who wants to use the bike on a regular basis and keep track of their individual stats, this is the bike for you.

Bear in mind that the Schwinn 130 has a larger footprint than the A10 so will take up a little more space in your home and needs to be plugged in so you will need to find a space near a wall socket whereas the A10’s console can be battery operated so can be placed anywhere in your home!  It’s also worth remembering that one advantage of the larger sized Schwinn 130 is that it has a slightly higher user weight capacity than the A10 which means it will be feel more sturdy for the heavier user.


N.B.  It’s advisable to consult your doctor or health care professional if you are new to exercise or if you have any concerns regarding your health and fitness regime.

*Prices/discounts/shipping indicated correct at time of writing/publishing & may be subject to change anytime.  E&OE.

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